Friday, January 3, 2020
Essay on McNeal Book Review Final - 1977 Words
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary 4-MAT Book Review: McNeal Practicing Greatness: 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders A Paper Submitted To Dr. Hyun â€Å"David†Chung In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Course LEAD 510 Submitted By Terry Michele Noonan Fitzgerald February 19, 2015 Table of Contents Abstract 2 Response 5 Reflection 6 Action 7 Bibliography 9 Abstract This paper will constitute a review of Practicing Greatness: 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders,1 with attention given to the disciplines themselves, as well as the rationale and method that McNeal believes will lead to leadership success. The work begins with a quotation from Elton†¦show more content†¦Questions to be asked in this regard below, will aid the future/current leader in providing answers to questions he/she might have regarding their present ministry or avocation: a. What people or cause do you feel drawn to? b. What do you want to help people do or achieve or experience? c. How do you want to help people? d. What message do you want to deliver? e. How do you intend to serve or have an impact on the world? f. Why did you say yes to God to begin with?9 Mc Neal expounds on leadership and those who will seek to carry it out. the work is not overtly religious, yet it is balanced in the biblical references included. The illustrations of real people in real situations and with real leadership styles are instrumental in bringing clarity and focus to an exhaustive subject. The author has clearly demonstrated his objectives set out in the introduction, and has provided examples for leadership that are able to be implemented in all business applications and not merely the church only. This work is to be commended for anyone interested in not only what makes leaders great; but as well, how they arrived at the summit and are able to remain there. Two things are clear from a complete reading of this book: 1. Great spiritual leaders are committed consciously and intentionally to the spiritual disciplines 2. Great leaders feel blessed,Show MoreRelatedSocial Influence of Television Advertisement on Children a Case Study of Selected Primary Schools in Somolu Local Government Area9371 Words  | 38 PagesFactor.†The â€Å"Nag Factor†is when a child sees an ad for a product then cries and complains to a parent until the parent purchase the item (Dumont) 2003, Over half of all families have reported to agree with a child’s request just to avoid an argument. McNeal 2005 emphasizes the â€Å"Nag Factor†when he claims that, â€Å"2 to 12 year olds had an indirect impact on another $320 billion of household purchases. 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International Standard Book Number 0-309-XXXXX-X (Book) International Standard Book Number 0-309- XXXXX -X (PDF) Library of Congress Control Number: 00 XXXXXX Additional copies of this report are available from the National Academies Press, 500 Fifth Street, N.W., Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055; (800)
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