Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Haydn and Eszterhaza essays
Haydn and Eszterhaza essays "Not only did I have the encouragement of constant approval, but as the conductor of the orchestra I could experiment, find out what made a good effect and what weakened it, so I was free to alter, improve, add or omit and be as bold as I pleased. Cut off from the rest of the world I had no one to bother me and I was forced to become original." The above quote was said by Franz Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809) during the later years of his life and it refers to the time he spent in Esterhaza. Haydn was, and still is, considered one of the most famous composers of the classical era. The large amount of compositions that he created, and his many contributions to the classical style, has made Haydn one of the most influential and studied composers of the millennium. As mentioned in the introductory quote, Haydn contributed a large amount of his personal success to the time he spent in the palace of Eszterhaza, A palace of the Esterhazy family. By analysing the time period that Haydn had spen t working for the Esterhazy family, this essay will demonstrate how important these years were to the development of his musical abilities. The reason why this time period has been chosen was that these were the years right before Haydn began to grow in popularity outside the realm of the palace. Haydn's musical career had started when he moved to Vienna, from his rural peasant village, and became a choirboy at the St. Stephen's Cathedral. In 1761 Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy of Vienna hired Haydn, and this was when his relationship with the Esterhazy family had begun. At this point in his career Haydn had served as the assistant musical director for the Prince, as he worked under a man by the name of Werner. During this time Haydn had composed a few symphonies but he was not given much room to grow as he was seen as nothing less than a servant. In the years to come Haydn's situation would change dramatically due to a number of major developments that...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Physics Investigating Resistance in a Wire
Physics Investigating Resistance in a Wire Investigating Resistance in a WireThe resistance is the name given to the tendency for a wire to oppose the movement of the electrons passing through it. The greater the resistance the electrons occur the more voltage is needed to propel the current through the wire. Resistance is defined by the following equation:Resistance R= p.d across the wire (V)Current through the wire (I)Key FactorsThere are many factors to be considered which can effect the resistance of a wire these include temperature, current, thickness of wire and the length of the wire. The temperature will affect the resistance because as the temperature rises the atoms in the wire will begin to vibrate more meaning they will get I the way of passing electrons. The problem with this method is that it tricky to vary the temperature of the wire and keep it at the same constant temperature.English: Beam of electrons moving in a circle in a...The current will effect the resistance because more electrons will be passing thro ugh the wire so if collisions do occur with atoms in the wire lots of the electrons will still get through. The thickness of the wire will affect the resistance because in a thick wire opposed to the thin wire there is more space for the electrons to move in thus reducing the amount of collisions and the resistance. Though this is good method it is hard to obtain different thickness of the same wire easily. The length of wire will effect the resistance in a similar way the thickness but the longer the wire the greater the resistance because there will be more of a chance for the electrons and atoms to clash as there are more atoms in the longer wire thus making the length of wire proportional to the increase in resistance.For this investigation...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Precise Software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Precise Software - Essay Example If they do not launch the product, they might be losing an opportunity of a first mover advantage in the market. The company might lose the novelty of the new product, because other companies are always in the developing spree and might come up with something similar in short period of time. Having analyzed the risks associated, there are three main issues which Precise is facing and if addressed can help to arrive at a decision. (a) When to launch? Within the answer of which lies the explanation for key issues of new product planning and development (b) How to Market it? The answer to that question should suggest correct segmentation analysis and valued marketing strategies to attack the targeted segment (c) What is the best price? An in-depth study of ideal pricing strategy and one which matches with its sales and marketing strategy should be undertaken by Precise. Analysis: Precise is still under the planning and development stage and the product is a novice in the market. Precise is carrying reputation risk and risk of losing its customers. When weighted with the benefits of an early launch, I feel Precise should not launch it in OpenWorld 2000. There are two scenarios which crops up if it’s launched.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Information Systems Management & Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Information Systems Management & Quality - Essay Example This report and the involved case study incorporate computer and information technology plus their application into government projects. The main points of focus are the ability of computer systems to operate effectively when employed on relevant scenarios. The evident exposition here is the failure of the specified projects. Their failures have been attributed to by several issues ranging from technology to management and both. Moreover the National Audit Office has a number of stipulations in its desire for elimination of central government wastage or overspending and improvement of success rates of the projects (Liebowitz & Khosrowpour 2007). In the past, the government has succumbed significantly due to the consequences of unproductive plans that have been deficient of the ability to progress. Considering their progressions, it implies that the projects might have not been capable of delivering as per the expectations of their initial aims (Khosrowpour 2006). Similarly, the inabi lity to succeed might also lie on the projects tendency of accruing losses. In this case the latter is more significant for considerations since both of the selected case studies have the basic facet. The case studies selected for analysis are the independent learning accounts and the pathway. Comprehensively, the independent learning accounts incorporate a scenario that led to the loss of ?97 million whilst the pathway associated a loss of 1 billion Euros. In this instance, the citation convinces the logic of seeking an appropriate means of curbing the situation that might transpire into such losses both presently and in the future (Liebowitz & Khosrowpour 2007). The Independent Learning Accounts Let us assess the specific instances of the projects. First, the independent learning accounts and as a government project. This was the 2001 system offering adults ?150 for educational use was abandoned after fraudsters coined millions in fake applications. The independent learning accoun ts were a system designed to offer adults funds for educational reasons (Schwalbe 2010). In this case, the system failed when the fraudsters succeeded in compromising its effectiveness and obtain benefits from it leading to the government loss. However, this project was chosen since it involves the loss of money from external fraudsters who depends on their skills for malicious gains (NAO 2012). This is the main point for the projects preference since it outlines the major point of scenario that the fraudsters use currently in obtaining benefits they do not merit from genuine projects. This problem is rampant virtually in all situation organizations and by attaining its remedy would assist in resolving other related problems in other scenarios. Management Issues Concerning the management issues leading to the failure of projects, there was poor testing in the case of independent learning accounts project. It is imperative to understand that the project developers and the experts per form series of testing processes of the project (Khosrowpour 1999). The tests are aimed at determining the flaws and formulating technical means of curbing them. In this case technology is the main consideration and the security of a system is imperative for contemplation. According to Madeley (1991), security has to be tested in all perspectives because the system is conveyed via the network and usually users would try the effectiveness of the system as well as detection and blockage of security
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Statue of Liberty Essay Example for Free
Statue of Liberty Essay I have always dreamt of a better life. Since the early childhood when my dad and I had been going to the city market to sell some fruit and to buy some rice for the money earned. I do not remember us eating meat, may some bones that contained thin skin. Meat was too expensive to afford. I was the only male child in the family so I had to work and bring some money into the family. My older sister was given to her husband’s family after she got married. We didn’t see her often. My mother didn’t love her much. Yet, my dad did a lot. So, every time he saw me, it seemed that he wanted to see her instead. And he became mad. I often felt his powerful feasts on my neck. But he was my parent, he gave me a birth and I respected him†¦ That was a sad-sad childhood. The thoughts of the past make me suffer much. Yet, it is those hardships that made me go on, to seek another better life, to seek this life overseas†¦. O, sweet America, sweet dream. I have always see it my dreams. I remember once waking up from the excitement that filled my soul and my heart when I saw the statue of Liberty. My dad was somehow educated a little. So, when me and my sister lived with us, he used to tell us about the country of dream – the US. He wanted very much my sister to be educated. He told that education was a way up. That’s what I remembered for the rest of my life. And I wanted my life to go up. That’s why I decided to go to the US†¦. The girls in China were not in respect. My family was considered misfortuned, since there were two of us, girls, in the family. My mom told me that my dad used to beat her after my sister was born. He dreamt of a son. It was understandable, since girls had to go after they got married. Thus, parents would have to be left by themselves, without any support. A boy in Chinese family meant a hope for a good old age. When the boy was born into a Chinese family, the latter was considered blessed. My family was considered misfortuned†¦ Yet, later on my dad got to love my older sister a lot. He tried to make her strong as a boy, despite old Chinese traditions of femininity and obedience. Thus, you can imagine how much my dad waited for a son when my mom got pregnant for a second time. And gain†¦failure. He was really mad. There was no hope he could love me sooner or later. That is how I became a real outcast in my family. My parents respected Confucian ideology a lot. Confucius professed that we, the children, had to respect and obey our parents. And we did. I do not remember any time I said something against my dad, even despite all that he made me do. I had to learn to earn money since my early childhood. I had to work as a boy. And I did†¦ However, despite harsh strict regime of traditional Chinese family, my dad was an educated person. He never stopped staying that Chinese civilization has very old roots and we had to be proud of that. And we, certainly, were. He told that it was Chinese who invented paper and many other useful things that the humanity used. His stories were exciting. And they were probably the only rare times when our family gathered together peacefully. Despite the fact that my dad was somewhat educated, we were a family of farmers. We grew rice and fruit and then sold them. We were never rich. We were like many other Chinese families. My dad always told that Chinese is the great nation. However, I couldn’t ever understand why such a great nation made girls, the ones who gave birth and contributed to the development of Chinese generation, suffer so much. I still cannot forget how my sister used to hide from my parents in order not to show them her great pain – she couldn’t really walk for some time. But my mom convinced that Chinese girls had to have very-very small feet. That was a sign of femininity. â€Å"Otherwise†, she used to say, » you will never get married†. But we really didn’t think about our future at that time. The only thing I personally thought of was how to ease that horrible pain†¦ But time passed and we grew. I have submitted with my fate that made me suffer both from my dad and from our old traditions. But I never complained. I knew that Chinese were a great nation. That is why everything that had to be done, even if it made me feel pain, was actually for my sake. I am very thankful my dad that he brought me up being strict and not always tolerant. He taught me to achieve everything myself. He taught me that I had to fight for myself and I did. Now I remember that horrible pain from my past and I think I can survive everything. Now I can walk easily and this is the real happiness. Moreover, I am happy because I am now in the country of my dreams – in the US. I am happy because my daughter will not have to suffer as I did. I am happy because millions of Chinese girls will be relieved from the humbleness and great pain that made them inferior to men, that made them die being alive. It is all over know. I still respect Confucius, but I am in another country now. I will learn the great wisdom of this ancient Chinese philosopher from the walls of American University. Oh, those Americans. They are so different. But that is so interesting to penetrate in the whole new culture that is so much not like yours. I was so surprised to know that here men and women are considered to be equal. That is such a great feeling. Yes, I will study Confucius from here and I will perceive all he said from the new perspective. I have so much ahead. I have so much to learn. This will be an exciting time I will never forget. We didn’t have centralized schools for a long time in China. Education was domestic. My parents couldn’t afford that. I did lack communication. But it’s over now. My daughter will not suffer. She would be happier than I was. But, I swear, she will not forget our Chinese culture, she will still respect Confucius’ teachings†¦.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Effectiveness of Non-Executive Directors Essay -- Senior Management, N
The effectiveness of non-executive directors is becoming to be seen as critical for the contribution to the effectiveness of corporate governance in providing investor protection. Relevant situational and sectoral experience enhances the effectiveness of non-executive directors. Jebb (1998) cited in Ahwireng-Obeng, Mariano and Viedge (2005) suggests that it is a better strategy to hire non-executive directors who have experience in similar as well as other sectors and situations that the company is likely to face than search for a particular expertise in a director. According to Pincombe (2000), this enables the utilisation of specialist skills in different fields and the broadening of experience (Ahwireng-Obeng, Mariano and Viedge, 2005). To a certain extent, the tenure of service also has impact on the effectiveness of non-executive directors. Feldman (1992) is of the view that a board that services a business well today may not be qualified to lead it five years from now as markets and products evolve. Therefore, the appointments of non-executive directors should be for a specific term and new members should be appointed as and when needed. One suggestion is that by serving for more than ten years, the board member tends to become too close to senior management to provide objective oversight (Ahwireng-Obeng, Mariano and Viedge, 2005). However, this could provide the in-depth knowledge and institutional memory that a new board member has to work hard to acquire (Fleming, 1998 cited in Ahwireng-Obeng, Mariano and Viedge, 2005). As for the selection and appointment, â€Å"good boards do not just ‘happen’; they are carefully constructed working teams†(Vennat, 1995). In other words, it is by selecting and developing appropriate indiv... ...m their duties, particularly those sitting on the Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee and Audit Committee on an irregular basis, meeting only a few times a year (Pass, 2008). Due to limited time of involvement, non-executive directors could be too "remote" from internal decision-making processes to make an effective contribution and lack of information. The effectiveness of non-executive directors would be undermining when they are uninformed about the challenges they face. Hurley (2000) cited in Ahwireng-Obeng, Mariano and Viedge (2005) suggests that making the following list of information available to non-executive directors can contribute to their focus and productivity: board policies, committee guidelines, board minutes, authority annotations, contract summaries, organisational charts, member surveys and analyses, and programme or project analyses.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Impact of Media
Media plays a significant role in our society in the present scenario. It is all around us, from the shows we watch on television, the music we listen to on the radio, to the books and magazines we read each day. Television, more than any of the other Medias, achieves myriad different goals.We live in a fascinating world and an even more fascinating society. In this day and age, life without technology feels utterly impossible and life without the media is simply unimaginable. Media provides us with entertainment, information and comfort.The media influences people in different ways, some positive and some negative. It is important to realize although media can have a positive effect on society too much exposure to television, computers, or magazines can lead to unhealthy effects. The media gives people a way to connect with one another through news updates or even social networking. Most everyone wakes up in the morning grabs the newspaper, computer, or flips on the television to ed ucate themselves on the worldly happenings of that day. Research has revealed that media is responsible for influencing a major part of our daily life. Media contribute to a transformation in the cultural and social values of the masses. Media can bring about a change in the attitudes and beliefs of the common man. Media has a direct impact over the lifestyle of society.†POSTIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACT ON MEDIAAn individual developmental level is a critical factor in determining whether the medium will have positive or negative effects.Research conclusion are given by the physician†¢Physicians can change and improve children’s television viewing habits. †¢Canadian children watch excessive amounts of television. †¢There is a relationship between watching violent television programming and an increase in violent behaviour by children. †¢Excessive television watching contributes to the increased incidence of obesity. †¢Excessive television watching may have a deleterious effect on learning and academic performance. †¢Television is an effective way of advertising products of various ages.The media like television, radio and the Internet increase an overall awareness of the masses. They enhance the general knowledge by providing us with information from all over the world. News broadcast through different media helps us know about the day-to-day events in the world. News, tele-films and documentaries revolving around social issues increase a social awareness in children and develop their concern towards society.Media serve as the best means for a speedy spread of news about important incidents or events. The news that has happened in the remotest corner of the world can reach us within minutes.Movies and television programs often show characters using drugs and alcohol and engaging in violent behaviors. At a developmental stage when teens seek greater freedom and independence, the glorification of drugs, alcohol, risky sexu al and violent behaviors in the media make it challenging for teens to make responsible behavioral choices.CONCLUSIONMass media has become an integral part of our lives and can not be separated from our life. Particularly for the urban people, the need for information is more important than ever. Our values and way of life in the society in this information era are strongly influenced by the mass media like newspapers, TV, radio, video, and the internet. The full range of unfiltered media is now available to most of us by using a parabola and satellite transmission. We can buy many kinds of videos freely. Access to the internet is easy and inexpensive almost everywhere.We can find many kinds of information using the internet technology. Media is the most powerful tool of communication. It helps promoting the right things on right time. It gives a real exposure to the mass audience about what is right or wrong. Even though media is linked with spreading fake news like a fire, but on the safe side, it helps a lot to inform us about the realities as well. There is a positive and negative side in every activity. Depends upon the individual, the media have both the sides to use in right and wrong way.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Identify the Mission, Objectives, and Responsibilities of an Organisation Within It’s Environment Essay
An organisation is defined as ‘A group of people working together’ (Collins Dictionary 2001). An organisation is generally accepted as a unit working together to achieve the same goals. Concurring with this statement, Mintzberg (1997) defined goals as ‘the intentions behind decisions or actions, the states of mind that drive individuals or collectives of individuals called organisations to do what they do’. In order for an organisation to work, set guidelines have to be put in place for both short and long term aspirations, to ensure that the organisation is moving as a whole, a unit, to avoid separation, miscommunication, and misunderstanding. This can be achieved by administering a meaningful and worthwhile strategic plan consisting of a progressive, hierarchical set of aims. This will give each individual, as well as the organisation as a whole, a purpose. A set of aims can be as follows (Business Essentials 2010); An example of this would be my current place of employment. Their Vision Statement is as follows; ‘We are committed to providing a modern, efficient, and cost effective service focused on meeting our customer’s needs in a friendly , timely, and accurate manner, and will provide the necessary resources to enable achievement of our objectives. We will be readily accessible to everyone in the community to maximise social inclusion, minimise barriers to work and assist people to live in decent housing. We will process claims quickly and accurately, while actively reducing the incidences of fraud or error through investigation. Where fraudulent intent is proven, we will seek to apply appropriate sanctions as a deterrent against future activity. Where we seek to collect money, we will issue bills promptly and correctly. Where recovery action is required, we will act quickly, fairly, and impartially, but with due regard to social welfare and human rights of our customers.’ (Heather Tiso, 1995) However something so unobtainable may not be in the forefront of people’s minds. This is summed up in the following article statement ‘Mission statement in some companies has a huge influence in all management levels of the firm, but in others it is still just addition on the wall and usually what’s forgotten.’ Values of an organisation are more likely to be remembered, as they are more relatable to people within. The values upheld by the people within my organisation, are that of trust, respect, pride in work, ability to take ownership, two way communication – to give as well as to receive, to maintain excellent customer service at all time, to help each other out if need be, to feel comfortable and confident enough to speak up if they have any ideas for improvements, to strive for fairness, equality, and diversity, versatility, flexibility, taking responsibility for their own development, to be open minded as our line of service is ever changing. This encourages a culture of people that are able to pull together against constant adversity, and still achieve excellent results, as well as continually exceed Service Level Agreements (SLAs). The key objectives of my organisation, can be broken down in to the following examples; †¢Operational Goal – to increase revenue (Objective – decrease number of incorrect subsidy claims by 10%) †¢Non Operational Goal – to modify behaviour of customers (Objective – to get customers to act and think in a productive manner) †¢Primary Objective – to maximise revenues with as little expenditure as possible †¢Secondary objective(s) – to maintain excellent customer service, to strive for 100% accuracy, to maintain excellent working relationships with stakeholders. †¢Corporate Objectives – To increase customer satisfaction, to minimise risk, to ensure a glide path is in place for these objectives. †¢Unit Objectives – to answer all calls within 20 seconds, to deal with all work items with a turnaround of 9 days, to see all customers visiting the offices within under 5 minutes, to identify and understand our customer’s needs, to maintain a very high level of service, to develop personal/professional relationships with stakeholders. The influence of stakeholders Identifying Stakeholders is a process of integration within the said organisation. This can be summarised with a statement from a World Bank Group article – ‘All parties should be listed which are likely to be affected by the development, both positively or negatively, directly or indirectly.’ Stakeholders in our company are highly valued and important, and therefore our relationships with them are maintained to a very high standard. Our organisation has numerous companies identified as Stakeholders. This is not just on a professional level, as on top of Internal Stakeholders (i.e. staff) we recognise a number of Connected Stakeholders (customers, suppliers,) and External Stakeholders (local community, the government). Therefore, overall Stakeholder influence is vast, extending way beyond just making a customer happy. The knock on effects of the positive or negative experience of that customer may affect my organisation greatly. As different Stakeholders have different interests, it is not possible to focus on all of them at once with a blanket gesture in the hope of satisfying all their needs. Their needs have to be prioritised by looking at individual objectives, and balancing important/urgent needs with needs that would not have an adverse effect or affect relationships by waiting to be dealt with. Examples of Stakeholders in my organisation, are employees, customers, and the Government. As staff are immediately and intimately connected with the organisation, their influence is going to possibly be the strongest influence. It has been said numerous times that employees are the most influential. Motivated employees are highly likely to be more productive in producing work, ideas, and meeting objectives. Coincidently, the objectives of staff, are to be treated fairly, be given equal opportunity, be recognised for the consistently excellent work they produce when the odds are stacked against them, feel secure in their job and working environment, and have a sense that they are achieving. These objectives are met in the most part, however, as the organisation as a whole has a hierarchy , and it tends to be the senior managers setting objectives and deciding whether these have been met. This can lead to the human element being lost, and people judged by numbers, as other factors aren’t always taken into consideration. This can affect morale, but ultimately, our nee ds are met. Achieving objectives of stakeholders One of our Connected Stakeholders, our customers, are generally the focal point of our work. The bottom line, is customers want a service provided with their individual interests in mind, with the least possible output from them. The saying ‘The Customer is Always Right’, is incorrect in my opinion. The customer may not know what they need, they need to be asked open and closed questions in order to ascertain exactly what service they require. Customers wish to be heard, treated with respect, and for a positive experience with whatever organisation they deal with. The needs of our customers are met, as they are one of the most important stakeholders. Failure to meet these needs may result in loss of business, complaints, and repercussions from higher management if objectives are not met. The Government is an example of our External Stakeholders. This is due to the fact we are a public sector organisation, and a direct derivative of Central Government. The Government’s objectives are mainly that their Corporate Objectives influence our Unit Objectives, as well as Primary/Secondary Objectives. We meet the requirements of the Government by adhering to their laws, policies, procedures, and implementing them whilst maintaining a professional forefront to other stakeholders, such as the general public.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Degree and Certificate Options for Business Majors
Degree and Certificate Options for Business Majors A business degree, diploma, or certificate is one of the most practical options for individuals wishing to pursue higher education. Business majors can apply their education to almost every facet of the workforce. Business is the backbone of every industry, and every industry needs trained professionals to manage operations. If you arent sure what you want to do after graduation, business is a great option. Program Options for Business Majors There are many different program options open to aspiring business majors. Those who have a high school diploma can choose to enter a business diploma or business certificate program. Another good option is an associate program in business. For business professionals who already have work experience and an associates degree, a bachelor degree program with a focus on general business or a business specialty is a great choice. Business majors who already have a bachelors degree are a good candidate for a masters degree in business or an MBA degree. Both options will help to propel an individual forward within their career. The final program option for business majors is the doctorate. Doctorate degrees are the highest level degrees that can be earned in business study. Business Diploma and Certificate Programs Business diploma and certificate programs offer aspiring business majors a chance to earn an undergraduate diploma or certificate in a short period of time. Coursework is often accelerated, allowing students to learn a great deal in a one or two semester time frame. Programs can usually be taken online or at an institution of higher learning and can focus on anything from general business to accounting to some other specialization. Associate Degree Programs in Business Associate degree programs are the perfect starting point for aspiring business majors. The education gained in an associate degree program can lead to a good job in the business arena and will also help to lay the foundation needed for the pursuit of a bachelor degree and beyond. On average, it takes anywhere from 18 months to two years to complete an associate degree program in business. Bachelor Degree Programs in Business A bachelors degree program in business ought to be considered by anyone who wishes to climb the corporate ladder quickly. A bachelors degree is often the minimum degree required for many positions within the field. Most business programs last two years, but certain universities over accelerated programs that can be completed in one years time. Masters Degree Programs in Business A master degree program in business can greatly enhance career prospects. A masters program will allow you to focus specifically on one topic. The right program can train you to be an expert in your field. Most business programs last two years, but accelerated programs are available. MBA Degree Programs An MBA degree, or Master of Business Administration degree, is one of the most sought after and respected degrees in the business world. Admissions are often competitive, and most programs require a bachelors degree and at least two to three years of formal work experience. MBA programs last anywhere from one to two years, and usually result in a higher salary for graduates. Doctorate Degree Programs in Business Doctorate degree programs in business are the final step in the academic ladder. Students who earn a doctorate in business are qualified to work as a consultant, researcher, or teacher in the field of business. Most doctorate programs require students to choose a specific area of financing, such as finance or marketing, and last anywhere from three to five years.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Causes and Dangers of Yellow Snow
The Causes and Dangers of Yellow Snow Yellow snow is the topic of many a winter joke. Since snow in its purest form is white, yellow snow is said to be colored with yellow liquids, like animal urine. But while animal (and human) markings can indeed turn snow yellow, these arent the only cause of yellow snow. Pollen and air pollution can also lead to large areas of snow cover that looks like lemonade. Here are the ways snow can acquire a golden hue. Blanketed in Spring Pollen One harmless reason for yellow-tinted snow is pollen. Common in spring snows when flowering trees are already in bloom, pollen can settle in the air and on snow-covered surfaces, marring the white color of snow. If youve ever witnessed your car covered in a thick coat of yellowish-green mid-April, then you know how thick a coating of pollen can be. Its the same with spring snows. If a large enough tree is overhead above a snow bank, the golden appearance of the snow can be spread over a large area. The pollen may be harmless unless you happen to be allergic to it. Pollution or Sand Snow can also fall from the sky with a yellow color. Yellow snow is real. You may think snow is white, but other colors of snow exist including black, red, blue, brown, and even orange snow. Yellow snow can be caused by air pollution as certain pollutants in the air can give snow a yellowish tinge. Air pollutants will migrate towards the poles and become incorporated into the snow as a thin film. As sunlight hits the snow, a yellow hue can appear. When snow contains particles of sand or other cloud seeds, it can be a source of yellow or golden snow. When this occurs, the color of the condensation nuclei can actually tint the ice crystals yellow even as it falls through the sky. One example was in South Korea when snow fell in March of 2006 with a yellow tint. The cause of the yellow snow was an increased amount of sand in the snow from the deserts of Northern China. NASAs Aura satellite captured the event as weather officials warned the public of the hazards contained within the snow. Yellow dust storm warnings are popular in South Korea, but yellow snow is rarer. Yellow snows often cause concern that they come from industrial waste. An intense yellow snow fell in areas of the Russian Urals region in March 2008. Residents worried that it came from industrial or construction sites and preliminary reports said it was high in manganese, nickel, iron, chrome, zinc, copper, lead, and cadmium. However, the analysis published in Doklady Earth Sciences showed that it was due to dust swept up from the steppes and semidesert of Kazakhstan, Volgograd, and Astrakhan. Dont Eat the Yellow Snow When you see yellow snow, its best to avoid it. Regardless of what caused snow to turn yellow, its always safest to find fresh fallen, white snow whether youll be using it for snowballs, snow angels, or especially snow ice cream.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Analysis of moral problem or case in business Essay
Analysis of moral problem or case in business - Essay Example It has been discussed, that the point these college students start receiving monetary benefits from college they would no longer play like amateur players or athletes, but become professionals. Moreover, after receiving cash compensation, the student athletes might lose their sportsman conduct and start playing only for money. The student athletes are compensated by allowing scholarship for their tuitions, meals, books, etc. They are also provided extra tutoring assistance, and their absences are also excused. Many sports enthusiast support the view that the student athletes should be given monetary compensation because the college and the universities earn huge amount of money through these sport tournaments and do not pay even a small percent of those wining amount to those for whom the college has received the prize money. By paying them money, the college or university authorities can motivate the students to stay in the college and play for them. This means it would act as motiv ating factor. Many even claim that the colleges are exploiting the athletes by making money, while these student athletes does not have enough money to afford the dinning, lodging or educational expenses. Exploitation would be a strong word to accuse the colleges, because the students are not forced to play for the college, and the scholarship program designed for the athletes provides solution to the problem of dinning, logging or educational expenses for any student athlete (Bilas â€Å"Players Should Be Compensated†). Critics have supported that the level of the student athletes is much higher than that of those students who play club games. The best athletes in colleges get the exposure to build professional contacts. However, the low grades in their education may lead to cancellation of their permission to play under NCAA, and also lead to an uncertain future. So paying them monetary compensation may be a motivating factor for them. If we judge it from the studentâ€℠¢s point of view then we can see that for a student athlete it is better to play for a college rather than playing for any minor club. This is because minor clubs are not well-equipped with resources and sponsorships, while if a student plays for the college, he/she can also avail the education and a college degree along with an exposure to elite athlete environment. The educational alternative would provide security to a student and assist in diversifying his/her career in future. If we view the compensation issue of the athlete from this scenario, we can understand that paying the young student athlete who plays for their college is not necessary, and by not paying them monetary compensation, they are not exploiting the students. However, the college or the university must ensure that the future career opportunities for such student athlete are bright in the sport field. They should arrange job opportunities for those athletes who do not want to pursue their career or cannot conti nue their career in sports in future. This needs to done because it goes without saying that the student-athletes are generally weak in studies and also do not get time to concentrate on academics because of their busy sports schedules from colleges. So this draw back needs to be compensated and the responsibility should be taken up by the college to set their future career (The Economist â€Å"Time for professional student athletes?†). According to National Collegiate Athletic Association (NACC), the student athlet
Friday, November 1, 2019
Analysis of the Number of Explanations for the Significant Growth in Research Paper
Analysis of the Number of Explanations for the Significant Growth in Female Imprisonment - Research Paper Example Crime has forever been a major problem for society at large. It has presented itself as a challenge to every authority and government in the world. Since historical times, sociologists and criminologists have been the principal contributors to crime research, which has led to an extensive research literature on the general topic of the role of incentives in the determination of criminal behavior. In this regard, a notable feature is an increase in crime among women. With approximately 52% of the population of UK being formed by women (in 2005 there were 30.7 million females compared with 29.5 million males in the UK population), male offenders outnumbered female offenders by more than four to one in 2006. Despite this fact, the irony is that today more women are locked up in England and Wales than in any EEA nation other than Ukraine and Spain. The number of women serving custodial sentences has increased substantially. Recent statistics indicate an increase of 30% in the female pris on population during 2001. Furthermore, various studies demonstrate a 15% increment in the number of women incarcerated between 2001 and 2002, compared to an increase of 6% for men3. This might lead one to believe that women are becoming more prone to committing crimes or according to Box (1983);4 there is a serious problem with the system that was so far seen to be lenient in prosecuting women offenders. Crime in Switzerland is also becoming a cause of major concern with a 27% climb in the rate of female crime, in the past five years5. With the support of well-documented theoretical explanations for women’s crime as well as accounts of early contributions portraying women as sexual beings the focus on women has been in the context of their supposed inferiority to men. This has, in turn, led to explanations that revolve around the sex role socialization, as well as the emergence of the women’s movement. Â
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