Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Puritan Settlement in New England in the 17th Century Research Paper
Puritan Settlement in New England in the 17th Century - Research Paper Example Robinson 2005). This essay will examine Puritan settlement in New England in the 17th century asking the following questions: Who were the Puritans? Where and why did they settle in the New World? What type of settlements did they create? What was their effect on the newly emerging country? The Puritans were English followers of the French religious reformer, John Calvin (Bremer 1995; Bunker 2010). In the 16th and 17th centuries, England (indeed, all of Europe), had been involved in fierce battles over religion, most particularly the supremacy and legitimacy of the Catholic Church. Wars within and between countries over this burning conflict – whose fire was continuously rekindled by the sparks from myriad particular events – were commonplace until the 18th century. Arguably, the peak of the confrontation in Britain occurred with the English Civil War from 1642-51, which saw the regicide of King Charles I by the Parliament (which was essentially under the influence of t he Puritans), the establishment of a republican Commonwealth in effect under Puritan rule, and the re-establishment of the Monarchy under James II in 1660. The term â€Å"Puritan†was initially meant as an insulting term, but was later embraced by the English Calvinist Protestants (Bunker 2010; Heyrman 1991). Puritan referred not to moral priggishness (cf. Robinson 2005), but to being sticklers with regard to religious doctrine. They were called Puritans those who disagreed with the Religious Settlement proclaimed by Queen Elizabeth I in 1559, as being not reformed enough from the â€Å"Popish†practices of Catholicism with its rituals, hierarchy, and spiritual intermediaries (Bremer 1995). The Puritans believed that God had commanded the reform of both church and society. They condemned drunkenness, gambling, theatergoing, and Sabbath-breaking. They denounced popular practices rooted in pagan custom, like the celebration of Christmas, and deplored the â€Å"corruptio ns†of Roman Catholicism that still pervaded the Church of England – churches and ceremonies they thought too elaborate, and clergymen who were poorly educated (Heyrman 1991). The Puritans were not driven by mere doctrinal purity, but by a sincere belief that the millennium, or end of the world, was near, and that they must prepare for Christ’s return by building his Church and society here on Earth (Zakai 1994). Puritanism became a strong force in England (indeed, throughout Europe), with many powerful members of English society, including Members of Parliament, aristocrats, and middle class merchants as adherents (Bunker 2010). Equally, if not more, powerful members of English society, including the Monarchy, were against the movement (Bremer 1995). Importantly, most Puritans did not see themselves as separate from the Church of England, but rather as a reforming force within the English Church. As such, Puritanism was not a denomination, and in fact many Presb yterians, Quakers, and Congregationalists were part of the Puritan movement (Bremer 2010). After the death of Queen Elizabeth, the Puritans unsuccessfully tried to persuade the new King James to implement more than 30 changes in the Church to take it down a more Puritan path. This â€Å"Millenary Petition†was rejected, except for the request to translate the Bible into English (Bunker 2010). Without hope of reforming the English Church from within, and with the expected coming of Christ
Monday, October 28, 2019
History of gambling Essay Example for Free
History of gambling Essay ?In modern day America, gambling is seen everywhere. Whether it is gambling on a sporting event, a horse race, a game of cards, or any other event, it is seen as a common practice among many American citizens. The most popular place for one to gamble is a casino. There are many casinos throughout the country, and despite the many critics of such venues, these casinos are here to stay for quite some time to come. Starting in 1931, Nevada took control of the casino gambling market and held a monopoly within this industry. It was the first state to have legalized commercial casino gambling, and it was the only state to have such legislation until 1976 (Morse, Goss 13-14). During the 1950’s, Las Vegas started to develop rapidly, opening many casinos within the city. Throughout the 1960’s most of these top-end casinos were purchased by Howard Hughes, which led to an ending of organized crime in the Las Vegas area. Corporations then began building and purchasing casino properties. The profitability of such properties made entering the casino industry quite attractive. This was the beginning of the transition of casinos from a simple form of gaming to a legitimate business (History of US Gambling). In 1976, commercial casino gaming was legalized in New Jersey, and Atlantic City began to thrive in ways similar to Las Vegas. This was the outcome that was hoped for, because it was done in an effort to revitalize Atlantic City. Casinos started to be built in Atlantic City, and a popular location for these casinos was the city boardwalk, along with in the marina district (Morse, Goss 14). More than a decade later, several states began to legalize commercial casino gambling. There are currently fifty-seven counties in the United States that allow commercial casino gambling. In states other than Nevada, a good majority of commercial casino gaming takes place adjacent to a river or some form of a body of water that creates a geographic border dividing states. This promotes the idea of riverboat gambling, along with the competition between each state and their neighbors for their gambling supporters (Morse, Goss 14-15). Soon after the rapid expansion of legal gambling locations throughout the country, tribal casino gambling became an important part of today’s casino industry. Tribal casino gambling is a practice that came to place after the 1987 Supreme Court decision in California v. Cabazon Band of Mission Indians. This case determined that the state of California did not have the proper authority to use its regulatory statutes for the gambling activities that took place on Indian reservations. The only institution that had complete authority over the issue was the federal government; therefore congressional authorization was necessary for state power to enact regulations. In 1988, Congress responded by passing and enacting the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA). This was done for the purpose of balancing both the interests of the states and those tribes that resided within them (Morse, Goss 18-19). There were many policy goals that the IGRA aimed to accomplish. The first was to promote economic development and self-sufficiency amongst tribes. The second goal was to create a regulatory base that protected Indian gaming from organized crime, to make sure that the only beneficiary of the gaming operations is the tribe itself, and to ensure that the gaming operations are both fair and honest. The final goal was to establish an organization that would assist in these purposes, thus the creation of the National Indian Gaming Commission. Basically, the IGRA allowed tribes the right to build and run gaming facilities, or casinos, on their reservations to the same extent as the gaming allowed by state law (Morse, Goss 19). Tribal gaming has proven to be quite beneficial for Indian tribes in the United States. The tribes that have benefited the most are those that have exclusive rights to owning and operating casinos within their state. That means that specific states have an agreement with the tribes in their state that there will not be any commercial casinos within the state, just tribal casinos on tribal territory. This creates endless opportunities for tribal members, allowing them to generate large revenues and provide jobs for many members of their tribe (Morse, Goss 20-21). More recently, a new type of casino has emerged quickly into the gambling business, that being racetrack casinos, or racinos. These casinos are essentially a horse-racing track, along with many other casino features, such as slot machines, video gambling terminals, card tables, etc. This brings in a diverse crowd of people, for a lot of people only like to gamble on live racing events. It also helps states contain gaming expansion to their current racing grounds, and the economic benefits have quite a positive effect for the state (Morse, Goss 22). Each type of casino benefits the state in different ways. By a slight margin, there are more commercial casinos in the United States than tribal casinos, but tribal casinos are being built more rapidly (192 built between 2004-2007, as opposed to 175 commercial casinos built), so it is expected they will pass up commercial casinos in the near future. States benefit most from commercial casinos, receiving on average 16. 4% of revenues, as opposed to just 6. 1% of revenue from the tribal casinos (Morse, Goss 23). One factor that has led to major success for casinos in the United States is the great amount of promotion and advertising. The average casino spends 2. 5% of all revenues on promotion and advertising, which is a heavy amount compared to many other business industries. Throughout the years of the existence of legalized gambling, casinos have been figuring out the secret to generating the highest possible revenue, and that is through promotion. Promotions for casinos originally started out pretty basic, offering a patron a free bet if they come to the casino, or a free drink or meal. With the addition of hotels to many casinos, casinos began offering free night stays to customers, and sometimes even free transportation both to and from the casino for the time of their stay. Since then, there has been such an intense competition between casinos to attract gamblers to their establishment, so more and more promotions started to come into place and be offered by casinos around the country (Morse, Goss 27-28). Some casinos found their best strategy was to pay their patrons to play. This came in either the form of simply handing the patron money upon walking in the door (usually between 5-$20, but sometimes upwards of $100), or paying the person for the amount of time they spent in the casino. This is done by activating a â€Å"player card†, and every time that player sits down to play a game, they scan their card at that station and the system keeps track of how much time the player has spent gambling. Their account is then credited with however much money they earned during their time spent at the casino (Ogwyn). Competition between casinos continued to grow every year, and still does to this day. Promotions have become a necessity in order for a casino to succeed, and many amenities have become expected by patrons upon entering a casino. For one, soft drinks are expected to be complimentary at every casino. Many casinos have waiters and waitresses walking around taking orders, so there is a convenience of receiving a soft drink without needing to get up from your chair. It is seen as courteous to tip the servers, and is also seen as good karma for the gambling that is done after. The most intense promotion competitions take place in the major casino markets. Harrah’s is a major casino corporation, and it is one of the highest spenders when it comes to promotions. In 2005, it initiated possibly the biggest promotion in casino history, and that was the $1,000,000 Treasure Hunt. To partake in the hunt, customers had to go to one of the many Harrah’s Casino locations in the country, and depending how much time the customer spent at the casino, they earned an entry (or multiple entries, depending on the frequency of visits) into the contest. These entries represented an opportunity to partake in the actual treasure hunt, which took place in Las Vegas on November 10, 2005. A treasure chest containing $1,000,000 was placed in a remote desert location, and whoever found it first kept it all. This created an uproar of hype for Harrah’s Casinos, and has helped increase revenues in the following years since as well. Many other casinos learned from that, and started similar promotions to help boost their own revenues. This is a good example of how casinos have been learning from each other throughout time, and adjusting quickly to whatever is necessary for maximum business. The bottom line when it comes to casino promotions: do whatever it takes to get customers through the door; revenues will generate from there (Morse, Goss 28). Many studies have been done to find the effect of legalized casino gambling in an area on the residents who reside in that area. A study done by Morse and Goss in 2005 had surprising results, finding that counties that legalized casino gambling experienced lower personal bankruptcy rates in the first several years of having a casino operating in the county. After those years, however, it was found that the personal bankruptcy rates began to rise, eventually becoming higher than the rates from before the legalization of casino gambling (Morse, Goss 53). Casinos have been growing and expanding ever since their first existence. It is a unique industry in that, unlike many other large industries, it is not that crucial to focus on cutting costs, while instead it is best to just focus on generating revenues. As said before, this industry has a history of experiencing great success, and it is only getting greater and greater each year. Looking at some statistics from 1998-2003 is a good way to show an example of this growth; the average number of employees for stand-alone casinos in the United States went from 201 in 1998 to 265 in 2003, and in casino hotels it grew from 988 to 1,208 employees. Average pay for these employees grew as well. In 1998, stand-alone casino employees earned on average $21,700 a year, while in 2003 they earned $25,100 a year. It was a similar jump in salary for casino hotel employees, going from earning on average $23,700 a year to $26,100 a year (Morse, Goss 55). Today, the United States has an incredibly large market for casino gambling. There was an estimated 147 billion U. S. dollars in global revenue from casino gaming, and 60 billion of those dollars was from United States gambling. In the twenty states with legalized commercial gambling, there are about 450 commercial casinos in the United States (CASINO GAMBLING HISTORY). Gambling has been around since the beginning of United States history, and the creation and expansion of gambling centers that we call casinos has led to many opportunities for both growth and decline for citizens in this country. Whether viewed as positive or negative, casinos are here to stay for some time.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Human-Animal Relationships :: Essays Papers
Human-Animal Relationships Animals can be perceived in many different ways. While some humans consider animals to be mindless machines programmed with instinct, others view them as spiritual creatures capable of coherent thought and emotions. I feel that animals are somewhere in the middle. Although they rely heavily on instinct, the ability to feel emotions shows that their mental capacity is not far from that of a human. Since animals, especially dogs, share similar emotions as people they to make great companions. Animals do show us how to love better, because their emotions are more pure than a human's. According to Mary Lou Randour, in "What Animals Can Teach Us About Spirituality", animals are spiritual companions to humans. She tells the story of a boy who, after murdering someone, receives a dog to care for as a form of therapy. The dog comforts him, and the teenager learns to love the animal over time. The boy's pet is "healing his soul" by teaching him how to love. Dogs give their masters unconditional love, never questioning the human's orders or disciplines. I thought the story of the dog appearing in the author's backyard as her dead grandfather was rather outlandish. All of Randour's examples of how animals influence our feelings were viable aside from the disappearing ghost dog. Although their minds are not as advanced as a human's, animals are still capable of thought. Frans de Waal, author of "The Whole Animal", feels that humans and animals are closely related, through anthropomorphism. I agree with anthropomorphism, but not with anthropodenial. I also disagree with Rene Descartes' statement that animals are machines, because just as humans have different individual personalities, animals of the same species also have different behavioral characteristics. For example, some cats are arrogant and rude, while others are kind and playful, just like people. Georgia, the chimpanzee who spit water on unsuspecting visitors, did not do this out of instinct. Instinct would have told her to swallow the water.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Operations Management Exam 1 Review Notes
Basic info for Exam 1 Types of questions you can expect * Ones similar to assigned discussion questions, homework * How topics in assigned articles relate to key concepts below: test questions similar to these are fair game. * You will have the formula sheet handed out during forecasting section. The most important things to know from part 1 of this class 1) Chapter 1 a) How to measure performance of a process: financial measures, external measures, internal measures and why you would choose one over another. ) 4 product attributes and their corresponding process attributes i) This is something to memorize. c) Job shops vs flow shops: attributes of each and which products is each suited for? d) Will not cover product-process matrix. 2) Chapter 2 e) How process competencies support a firm’s strategic position. ii) Market-driven strategies (identify market needs and develop processes to support them) vs. rocess-driven strategies (Amazon hosting websites, cloud computing for othe r companies, G&H with financial aid call center branching out to other services) iii) Operational effectiveness vs. operational efficiency: low cost of operations does not necessarily support the business strategy iv) Focused strategies allow for competitive advantage (1) Plant-within-a-plant: why would companies do this and what makes this succeed or fail? ) Question about hypothetical company or companies we’ve analyzed in book, articles, class discussionâ€â€what are their business strategies/product competencies and how do their process competencies support them? g) Competitive product space 2-D graph: may ask you to interpret one but not to draw one v) Idea of operations frontier, that it represents the highest level of operational effectiveness (2) Effect of technology and improved management practices on the operations frontier. h) Order-qualifiers vs. rder winners (in slides, G&H discussion) i) Will not be tested on section 2. 7 j) Last 3 slides not covered: Disney and McDonalds 3) Forecasting k) Anything covered in book is fair game: Expect questions very similar to those in class, on HW. l) General categories: subjective, time-series, associative/causal m) What are key features of each forecasting method, why would you choose one over another? n) Trends, seasonality: know what these are, which methods account for these, and how they do it. ) Forecasting error and bias: why are these important to measure, what they mean, what are differences between methods for assessing them (MAD vs. MSE, for example) p) Use of control charts: how to make one and what are they used for. 4) Chapter 3 q) Takt time not covered but everything else is fair game. 5) Chapter 4: Flowcharting and network design r) Interpret or make a simple flow chart s) Using a flow chart to start to improve operations (esp. in conjunction with chap 3 and Little’s Law)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Accounting Theory And History Accounting Essay
Accounting has evolved since it was foremost developed and has continued to germinate. The purpose of this essay is to research and discourse why accounting, both fiscal and direction has changed over the last millenary. In order to accomplish this purpose an in-depth attack will be taken into the beginnings of accounting, its intent and demand. This will intend analyzing history documents which are evidence-based but are intertwined with value opinion. Many alternate theoretical and practical accounts are offered in literature for the development of accounting over clip. These class literatures will be evaluated and there theories will later be accepted or rejected. In order to research the inquiry and because the definitions provided by accounting organic structures are themselves are capable to alter, it is important to first define accounting and its intent. The intent of accounting is to supply information based on relevant informations that aids users in doing economic determinations. Fiscal accounting is designed chiefly to bring forth fiscal studies which provide information sing the house ‘s public presentation to external users such as Tax governments, Investors, Customers and Creditors. Financial Accounting is extremely regulated in order to guarantee they have certain features. These features enhance the utility of the fiscal studies to users. These features are relevancy, comparison, seasonableness, equity and objectiveness. Management accounting is used to fix histories and studies that provide accurate and up to day of the month information that allows direction to do determinations. Accounting developed as people needed a method of entering their assets and belongings. If belongings was recorded and accounted for, it would be easy to turn out legal ownership. Accountancy has been around for 1000s of old ages. Professor L. Plunkett of the College of Charleston calls accounting the â€Å" oldest profession †In this millenary at that place have been infinite alterations and developments in accounting. From more crude methods of simple accounting for belongings and assets, in order to enter for grounds of legal ownership to a complex regulated signifier. Management Accounting â€Å" British Entrepreneurs and Pre-Industrial Revolution Evidence of Cost Management †a paper by Richard K. Fleischman and Lee D. Parker examines the usage and developments of cost accounting in 1760 to 1850. The four chief countries looked at in cost direction will be: cost control techniques, accounting for overhead, bing for modus operandi and particular determination devising, and standard costing. These houses used cost informations to command natural stuff input stuffs. The Fe houses broke down costs utilizing natural stuff controls, whilst taking into history the differential costs of excavation and smelting. Textile houses were concerned about the profitable natural mixtures and the cost of natural stuffs input. Marshall fabric house employ the practise of utilizing public presentation cards, which is an effectual method and is still used by houses today. Performance cards are used daily to supervise and command expenses.. These direction accounting practises benefited the concern greatly. It allowed marshal to be cost effectual and efficient by understating costs. Gregs was another fabric house which kept pay and disbursal books to cipher control costs. This helps to place tendencies, failings and countries for betterment. For illustration they experienced losingss in 1829 and where able to place and impute these to heightened production costs and out-of-date machinery. The fabric and Fe houses were in a extremely competitory market, and so dependent on a market-driven pricing construction. This bit by bit changed as with houses utilizing merchandise bing to assistance in finding the optimal degree of end product. Boulton & A ; Watt and Wedgewood were able to cipher operating expenses such as mill costs, fixed costs and selling disbursal. This enabled them to factor these costs into their merchandising monetary values. â€Å" Industrial Revolution entrepreneurs employed cost analysis to back up perpendicular integrating and merchandise line determinations †( Fleischman 1990, P367 ) Decisions such as capital equipment purchases and mineral field rentals where taken after careful consideration of costing of options. This enabled them to warrant and do potentially better determinations as the quality of information on which to establish the determination on was better. â€Å" The usage of standard costing was associated with an consciousness of the cost salvaging available from appropriate stock list control processs. †( Richard K. Fleischman et la 1990 ) Standard bing saved the clip of really holding to roll up existent stock list costs. This is good for houses as they can make standard costs, which allow the concern to: place and extinguish disused points, budget and comparison with existent costs, gauge a monetary value more easy than ciphering a monetary value based on existent cost, create prognosiss for production. An Archivist responds to the New Accounting History: The Case of the U.S. Men ‘s Clothing Industry is a paper by Thomas Tyson that uses factual grounds on the history of accounting to analyze the alterations. It focuses chiefly on the work forces ‘s vesture industry. Miller and O'Leary ( 1987 ) implied that â€Å" the rule of criterion costs made it possible to attach to every person within the house norms and criterions of behaviouraˆÂ ¦ Standard costing and budgeting made possible a pinpointing of duty for preventable inefficiencies at the degree of the really single from whom they derived †this is true to an extent and can be seen in the British Railways Industry ‘s costing system. BRM failed to budget or utilize standard bing boulder clay they were forced to make so as a consequence of worsening net incomes. This fail mean preventable inefficiencies were non prevented. Hopper and Armstrong province the ground for these alterations to direction accounting being due to the direct consequence of houses fighting. â€Å" Accounting controls were non a effect of economic or technological jussive moods, but instead were rooted in battles as houses attempted to command labour procedures in assorted eras of capitalistic development. †( H & A ; A 1991, P. 405 ) Along with alterations in accounting, there came alterations in inventions in direction. â€Å" Scientific direction sought to set up itself a right to interfere in people ‘s lives. This right was finally to be taken over by an ground forces of techniques of societal and economic life of the enterpriseaˆÂ ¦ the undertaking of scientific direction helped to render evident and remediable the waste lying deep within the every move of the worker. †( Tyson. T, an archivists response to new accounting history ) it is by and large considered that Tysons paper is flawed. Cost accounting in the ship building, technology and metals industries of the West of Scotland, â€Å" The Workshops of the Empire †, C1900-1960 is a paper by A.I.M. Fleming, S. Mckinstry and K. Wallace. The paper examines the nature and developments of bing systems employed in the ship building, technology and metals industries of the West of Scotland between the old ages c1900-1960. These developments can be seen as a patterned advance from the cost direction practises employed in fabric and Fe plants examined in the old paper, adapted to different industries. There were developments necessitated by the fact that most work was contract-based or occupation based and so required a different method of cost accounting. Standard costing and budgetary control were rejected as a consequence of agnosticism over the relevancy of Taylorism and scientific direction to the country ‘s industries. As many of the occupations and contracts were alone, this may non hold been a bad thing. The ship edifice industry split the ships costs into three chief constituents, Hull, Boilers and Engine. Each had a separate cost-book which recorded direct rewards and stuffs. This system allowed a comparing between the estimated direct costs and existent direct costs. A elaborate pay analysis book was kept, dividing pay cost for the three chief constituents ( hull, engine and boiler ) . The pay measure for each constituent was besides split into separate classs e.g. direct workers, category of workingman, patch work-based etc. This allowed them to maximize efficiency in footings of labor costs as staff and stuffs were already supervised. This besides reduced the hazard of larceny. â€Å" There hence existed a system that enabled the trailing of costs versus estimation at premier cost degree on a progressive footing as contracts proceeded. †( K.Wallace & A ; Parker 2000, P363 ) The British Railway Industry tended to sell in fixed monetary value contracts. The Cost and Weight Book recorded the cost associated with each of the major constituent of the locomotor e.g. Boiler, firebox etc. This book had a rigorous templet each major constituent was printed on the left and separate costs where printed at the top. This format allowed comparing between different contract cost and comprehensibility. It besides allowed for good appraisal for future contract costs. This format has changed little in modern direction accounting. A failure of the company was to non to the full use this valuable information as they did non utilize budgeting, standard costing or fringy costing. â€Å" Costss were non analysed by section or plants. †( K.wallace and Parker 2000 ) Not until the house began to worsen in 1960 did they present a signifier of â€Å" simple †budgeting. This failure to budget was a failing that was finally addressed but cost the house potency cost s alvaging efficiencies. â€Å" The Industrial Revolution versus the Managerial Revolution: Distinguishing Difference in Accounting Practices †a paper by Keith Hoskin and Richard Macve discusses the function of accounting as a manufacturer of Modern Managerialism. â€Å" The accounting practises of authorship, analyzing and rating came to construction human activity for those who learned to larn under them, it is apprehensible how accounting could detect a new function in the concern context. †( Hoskin & A ; Macve, 1993, p 9 ) This statement indicates an evolving function of accounting in concern and act uponing the structuring of human activity. This theory was seen being employed at Springfield Armoury. The armory generated a big measures of accounting information â€Å" costs were tracked, records of production were kept, full-cost estimations made for pricing determinations, including the application of charges for involvement and depreciation. †( Hoskin & A ; Macve, 1993, p 9 ) T his was done in order to organize a â€Å" complete system of answerability. †This was an of import measure along with the debut of charges for involvement and depreciation. This paper relates to economic rational theory which can be used to explicate the developments in direction accounting. Peoples make picks based on their â€Å" rational mentality, available information and yesteryear experiences. †( Investopedia online, hypertext transfer protocol: // # axzz1g2suXeki ) As the consequence of extremely competitory markets and lifting labor costs reduced net incomes, houses developed cost direction techniques, such as: cost control to command and interrupt down the cost of single stuffs used, accounting for operating expenses which allows houses to factor costs such as fixed and mill costs into the merchandising monetary value and criterion costing which allows budgeting and comparing with existent costs. An illustration of economic rational theory is the British Locomotive Company who learned from past experiences of losing cost salvaging for non utilizing budgeting, standard costing or fringy costing and as a consequence they introduce a signifier of â€Å" simple †budgeting. Economic rational besides drove the alterations in cloistered houses. Changes were introduced after rational mentality, failings and past weaknesss were identified were taken into history. Albion Motors and Monastic houses and Estates have besides made alterations based on their economic rational. These alterations represent the development of direction accounting over the last millenary. In the paper â€Å" The Industrial Revolution versus the Managerial Revolution †we see important alterations to direction accounting because of a demand to command labor and maximize labour efficiency. This is because of the abolishment of bondage which means that employees must be paid. This means employees must maximize labour effectivity and efficiency. This led to the managerial revolution. Springfield armory used labour control to increase productiveness and cut down costs. We see a development in cost direction practises in the in â€Å" British Entrepreneurs and Pre-Industrial Revolution Evidence of Cost Management †paper. Fleischman states the drawn-out period of diminution of market monetary values that affected the Fe industry houses from 1808 to 1830. â€Å" The battle to get by with falling market monetary values caused houses in the industry to set about careful probes of their iron-making costs †( K.wallace and Parker 2000, P368 ) The diminution motivated these developments in cost direction. They were brought approximately by a demand to accommodate to other alterations in the market and economic system at the clip. The practises in usage at the clip were unequal and out-dated. The developments allowed them to break identify failings, which had the consequence of increasing production, efficiency, diminishing waste and assisting put a better merchandising monetary value. In Cost accounting in the ship building, technology and metals industries of the West of Scotland, â€Å" the Workshops of the Empire †, C1900-1960 we see farther development of cost direction system. The ground for these specific developments was that ship building and railroad occupations where contract based and so it would non be ideal to utilize standard costing. It was necessary to utilize another method of cost accounting. Fiscal Accounting The first paper that will be discussed is â€Å" The development of fiscal direction and control in cloistered houses and estates in England c.1200-1540 †by Alisdair Dobie. The alterations focus chiefly on the internal map of a monastery. These alterations are necessitated by â€Å" altering influences and force per unit areas, economic and spiritual which arose from 1200 onwards. †( Dobie, 2008 P.2 ) Cloistered houses where non all the same, there were different orders. Each was governed by different sets of regulations. New orders were formed when there were perceived failings in established orders. These new orders introduced extra sets of regulations. â€Å" Each Benedictine house was to a big extent independent and responsible for its ain personal businesss. â€Å" ( Dobie 2008, P3 ) . This statement indicates a grade of answerability within the houses. As a consequence of weaknesss due to Benedictine self-regulation, new orders emerged which lead to each house organizing a subordinate portion of the whole order. This meant that each separate house was capable to review, ordinance and control from the order as a whole. These reviews were a signifier of audit from the order on the house. â€Å" Changes in direction might change from order to order and house to house, depending upon single state of affairss, relevancy and demands. †( Dobie, 2008 P2 ) Changes were intr oduced after failings were identified, in order to go on betterment and convey together all houses from the same orders to utilizing the same set of regulations. Fiscal direction and control alterations can be broken down into three classs: the safeguarding of the assets of the house ; the development of its resources ; and, the attempts to guarantee that all resources were used efficaciously and expeditiously. Safeguarding the assets of the house meant physically procuring and keeping them against for illustration â€Å" invasion, decline or disaffection. †( Dobie, 2008 P4 ) Exploitation of resources meant doing full usage of land and estate. This was a response to neglecting grain monetary values and lifting labor costs. Efficiency and effectivity referred to the â€Å" efficiency and effectual usage of resources by the house. †Other major developments during this clip were the standardization of histories which allowed comparison and relevancy, accounting was besides taught at university from the 14th century onwards. A important development in the early millenary is seen in Renaissance Italy. There was a rise in trade and banking. A signifier of double-entry book maintaining was already being used by Bankss to maintain path of debitors and creditors. Luca Pacioli, the Perfect Accountant is a paper by Dr F G Volmer, University of Limburg, which discusses the life and plants of Luca Pacioli. Pacioli ‘s work has had a great influence on accounting. His publication â€Å" Summa De Arithmetica †was widely recognised as a elephantine leap forward for double-entry book maintaining. Pacioli ‘s Summa was a conceptual model of best accounting and concern patterns. Summa was written in Tuscan and Venetian idioms. Pacioli used these alternatively of Latin to let the educated and non-educated to profit every bit from his work. Pacioli ‘s conceptual model is really similar to the FASB ‘s 1976 conceptual model. †the rules of systematicalness, consistence and dependability so emerge. â€Å" Every point must be consistently and carefully recorded in the stock list with all countermarks, full names and in every bit much item an as possibleaˆÂ ¦ †( Volmer P7 ) 200 old ages before Pacioli Italians bargainers began utilizing Arabic numbers in order to maintain path of net incomes alternatively of Roman numbers. This was an of import alteration. Arabic numbers were easier to understand and easier to utilize in an accounting format. This alteration is a measure in the way of modern twenty-four hours direction accounting where English Numberss which are similar to Arabic numbers are used for clerking. Rouse and Rouse sum up Pacioli ‘s inventions under different headers: The usage of alphabetical order â€Å" as a agency of set uping words and thoughts †This development of a new visually orientated layout created an easy to utilize and understand templet for dual entry. â€Å" Pacioli ‘s fully-developed double-entry system, with bi-lateral layout and systematic cross-referencing of debit and recognition, was a peculiar signifier of the new general textuality. †This bi-lateral layout of the double-entry system is still in usage to this twenty-four hours. It allows cross-referencing of credits and debits which is peculiarly utile for to Bankss. This partly answers the chief inquiry as to why direction accounting has changed over the last millenary. Pacioli ‘s influential work resulted in necessary positive alterations in accounting. He introduced three books of record: the leger, the memoranda and the diary. These needed debit and recognition minutes s to be balance. Books that did non equilibrate normally indicated an mistake. Dowlais Iron Company: Accounting Policies and Procedures for Profit Measurement and Reporting Purposes by J. R. Edwards and C. Baber is a paper that shows development in both fiscal and direction accounting. DIC implemented a robust system of direction accounting. Book-keepers were employed by DIC to keep the books of accounting on a rigorous dual entry footing ( a double-entry system developed by Luca Pacioli ) . This was a household concern, but the concern was treated as a separate legal entity. This is common in modern concerns as it allows limited liability for the proprietors. This can besides be seen when personal non-business minutess undertaken by proprietors were decently accounted for through the relevant spouse ‘s current history. DIC adhered to three out of the four chief cardinal constructs of accounting when fixing fiscal statement. These were prudence, traveling concern and consistence. Less accent was placed on the usage of the accumulations concept, â€Å" particularly in its application to the intervention of capital outgo †( Edwards and Baber 1979 P142 ) This is non unusual for concerns in the 1800s and was chiefly due to a perceived struggle between the accumulations and prudence constructs, with the prudence construct being considered more good. This contrasts with a more balanced usage of both constructs presently used today. The usage of these constructs shows a development of fiscal accounting within the administration. DIC ‘s system of capital accounting is said to hold helped the house successfully turn to an huge size. This was funded through internal finance. The trust on internal finance led to jobs during the 1850s. A sequence of trading losingss drained the modesty financess. This led to DIC reorganizing the Works and turn to external finance. Net income returned to acceptable degrees in the mid-1860s We see in the private legers that there were drumhead balance sheets till 1861 this suggested that there was information that the direction was trying to conceal. From 1861 onwards the company comptroller adopted the policy of adding the relevant narrative explicating each sum. This policy is still in usage today and shows further development in fiscal accounting at the clip. Companies summarise and unwrap important and relevant information associating to the figures in histories in the notes. This would hold been done to heighten the understandibility, leting for sums to be broken up and examined. The fiscal coverage practises of British municipal corporations 1835-1933: a survey in accounting invention by Hugh M Coombs and John Richard Edwards is a paper in which we see the authorities carry throughing the function of a regulative organic structure. Developments were chiefly in response to â€Å" turning cardinal authorities concern with corruptness, misdirection and deficiency of answerability. †( Combes & A ; Edwards, 1995 P2 ) This in short led to the debut of the Municipal Corporations Act 1835. This act attempted to guarantee proper ordinance of municipal corporations. â€Å" The borough hoarded wealths was obliged to: do â€Å" true histories †of all minutess, make books available for review by the council members, to fix an history for the council as and when required, to subject histories to hearers elected by the ratepayers, to subscribe and do to be printed a full abstract of his histories ‘ , and to do the histories available for review by ra tepayers. †( H. M. Combes et La, 1995 ) This shows a fastening up of ordinance and an addition in answerability. It is a important development in fiscal accounting. During this clip we besides see a move off from hard currency accounting to accumulations. The accumulations construct had antecedently been viewed with agnosticism as seen in Dowlais Iron Company as it conflicted with the prudence construct. Cash-based accounting was at times restrictive and its disadvantages far out manner its advantages. Accumulations based accounting on the other manus: â€Å" protects against carelessness and abnormality by entering every measure of a dealing, enables the statement of an entity ‘s net income and loss and fiscal place ; it records values ; and it provides a stable and homogeneous footing for statistics. †( Combes & A ; Edwards, 1995 P2 ) The 2nd development during this clip was the usage of the dual accounting system of fiscal coverage. â€Å" This system is able to unite the properties of charge/discharge accounting with commercial accounting. †( Combes & A ; Edwards, 1995 P3 ) It is a combination of stewardship orientation and net income computation orientation. The advantage of this system is that it would forestall anyone from being misled into presuming a connexion between outgo looking debited in the capital history and the existent value of plants associated with that outgo In the paper â€Å" Engineering civilization and accounting development at Albion Motors 1900- c.1970 †by Sam McKinstry we see the relationship between Albion Motor ‘s accounting systems and its engineering-orientated civilization. This paper shows alterations in both fiscal and direction accounting. Albion motors used a well-developed dual entry system, a system no uncertainty derived from the work of Pacioli. Depreciation was besides charged on machinery, by measuring at that place utile life. Depreciation ranged from between 10 % and 33.3 % . Albion motors besides used one of the first houses to utilize full accumulations accounting, which is a clear alteration as houses had antecedently preferred to us prudence. Full histories were merely produced every fiscal twelvemonth, as was a full stock-taking. A works registry was kept and maintained by the technology section. This allowed for answerability and reduced the opportunities of fraud in the terminals. Albion motors employed a extremely skilled but unqualified a company secretary and teller, although this was non uncommon at the clip when they became a public company they employed a hired comptroller. This is a important development as the qualified comptrollers ‘ engagement reinforces the respectability of the company ‘s fiscal histories. It is now indispensable for the public company accounts to be produced by person who is qualified to make so, as non to make so would take investors to oppugn their truth. The non-qualified employee responsible for all accounting from 1914 until 1950 was succeeded by a hired comptroller. This emphasizes the repute and influence of the profession of accounting. It is about 1950s that there is seen the outgrowth of the fiscal comptroller. The demand of the users of fiscal information is altering, the outgrowth of this new official function show that clearly. Investors ‘ assurance in fiscal studies is dependent on fiscal informatio n holding features which are discussed in IAS 1. Fiscal information must be relevant, up to day of the month, dependable and free from prejudice. The fiscal comptroller is qualified to bring forth fiscal information that abides by these standards. â€Å" Christie Malry ‘s ain dual entry †by B.S. Johnson: An reading as foucauldian disclosures a paper by Sam McKinstry that examines the work of the novelist B.S. Johnson. This paper discusses the thought that accounting can be used to convey certain information to certain people. In this instance the issue that the Double-entry system merely â€Å" favors specific involvements in society and disadvantages others. †( McKinstry 2006 P990 ) This straight disagrees with public involvement theory which states that â€Å" ordinance is ab initio put in topographic point to profit society as a whole. †( C. Deegan & A ; J Unerman 2006, P 65 ) This paper besides takes into history and makes mention to the work of Luca Pacioli in dual entry clerking. Malry adapts the dual entry system, change overing state of affairss in his life into pecuniary values and inputting these values as either debits or credits. This version was peculiarly of import in the context of British political relations and Industrial dealingss at the clip. â€Å" these and other developments recharged and remorilised capitalist economy and retooled societal democratise political orientation and its political relations. †( McIlorys and Campbells 1999, P 93 ) . Jointly these developments in fiscal accounting over the last millenary have resulted in fiscal accounting as we know it today. These alterations where brought approximately by a alteration in the demands of users of fiscal information and the identifying of failings. We see many alterations in the fiscal direction of cloistered houses and estates at the start of the millenary. â€Å" The early Time period of rapid growing in footings of new foundations was over, and the ulterior Middle-ages witnessed the response of administrations in their age of adulthood endeavoring to keep their intent and place. â€Å" ( Dobie, 2008, P 3 ) Monasteries changed in order to accommodate and last the economic and faiths force per unit areas. These changed allowed them to keep their places survive the times. We see the debut of an audit map and the changing of ordinance to cover with the designation of failing. Other factors such as the Black Death epidemic which impacted on the economic system every bit good as the population influenced developments at the clip. Luca Pacioli developed the double-entry system used at the clip by bargainers after placing room for betterment this system is similar to the 1 used today. He besides developed a conceptual model of accounting best practises. Its influence can clearly be seen in today ‘s IASB and FASB conceptual models. In Dowlais Iron Company we see the implementing of a sophisticated fiscal coverage and direction accounting system which complimented the fiscal accounting system. These systems allowed them to the size and success that they did. â€Å" it is improbable that any house would hold grown to the size and achieved the significance of DIC in the absence of a satisfactory system for entering both influxs and escapes of hard currency and other plus and motion of resources within the house †( Edwards and Baber 1979 P139 ) The Financial coverage practises of British municipal corporations in 1835-1933 show developments in the ordinance, revelation and controls in order to cover with corruptness, misdirection and deficiency of answerability in municipal corporations. Political factors triggered by the two major wars impacted on both fiscal and direction accounting. This can be seen in â€Å" Engineering civilization and accounting development at Albion motors †a paper by Sam Mckinstry. World War 2 led to the debut of a War pension strategy, which is accounted for utilizing IAS 19. We besides see in 1950 the development of the function of the fiscal comptroller. The function of the fiscal comptroller is created chiefly to supply credibleness and reassurance to fiscal histories. The fiscal accounting is qualified to bring forth histories in conformity with ordinances, to give a true and just position of the house ‘s fundss in order to keep investor assurance. This is a part factor in accounting being the reputable profession it is today. This is unfastened to debate as it can be argued that this lone gives the semblance of respectability. As seen in the prostration of Enron the fiscal studies approved by the fiscal comptrollers did n' t give a true and just position of the administration. Possible theories into grounds for these alterations are given in the demand for and supply of Accounting Theories: The Market for Excuses a paper by Ross L. Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman. The paper discusses the inquiry of why accounting theories are preponderantly normative and why no general theory is by and large accepted. â€Å" It is by and large concluded that accounting theory has had small substantial, direct impact on accounting practise or policy formation despite half a century of research †( R. L. Watts 1979, P 1 ) the theory of political procedure is one theorises the thought that persons with power in authorities will try to derive wealth through the influence and prescribe accounting processs that are in their ain best involvements. There is besides the thought that as persons have different involvements there will be a figure of different accounting theories on a individual issue. This â€Å" prevents general understanding on accounting history. †( R. L. Watts 1979, P 273 ) This theory can be proven by looking at the recent dirt affecting MP ‘s disbursals. MPs influenced the ordinances on disbursals in their ain favor, in an effort to derive wealth. There was besides the issue that these single disbursal claims were non made public but were leaked. This shows that revelation demands were unequal, as a consequence of the designation of this failing ordinances have been tightened up. Another illustration of this is Ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair holding tax-payers wage for his security when he travels the universes for his ain fiscal additions. Blair ‘s constitutional reform of the Human Rights Act 1998 when he was in power gives him this right. â€Å" The demand for â€Å" public interest-orientated accounting theories depends on the extent of the authorities ‘s function in the economic system. †( R. L. Watts 1979, P 275 ) a clear illustration of this is the adjusting of involvement rates in order to assist economic growing. Another illustration of this is the fiscal coverage practises of British municipal corporations 1835-1933, where there was corruptness, misdirection and deficiency of answerability. The authorities gave the semblance of moving in the public involvement but from farther analysis it can be seen that this statute law was a response to public protest. We can see that there was a grade of opportunism involved. The motive for all the developments of in fiscal accounting can be examined utilizing Self-interest theory. In the narrative of Christie Malry the author kills himself because of a deficiency of acknowledgment of his work. Another illustration of this is Luca Pacioli work which benefited accounting greatly. His motive for this work was to have acknowledgment. An statement for Pacioli utilizing the Tuscan and Venetian linguistic communications in his book was that this would take to more acknowledgment for his work as more people could understand it, this is self-interest. This can besides be seen in the accounting organic structures who work to stay reputable and influential. For illustration the ACCA and CIMA offer their ain peculiar makings in accounting. Why is at that place a demand for these makings when there have been comptrollers around for 100s of old ages without these makings? These administrations work to advance their ain importance and respectability and as a consequence the makings add importance and respectability to persons that gain them. Influencing the development of accounting ordinance examined through gaining control theory. This is where the regulated seeks to â€Å" gaining control †the regulative organic structure, therefore act uponing the ordinances to their ain advantage. This poses a menace to the independency of the regulator. Capture theory links in with the demand for accounting theories â€Å" the lone accounting theory that will supply a set of anticipations that are consistent with ascertained phenomena is one based on opportunism †( W & A ; Z 1979 P. 301 ) This is Watts and Zimmerman ‘s statement, that it comes down to self-interest and other theories are at that place to supply the semblance of respectability. In decision it can be seen that the development of both fiscal accounting and direction was down to many grounds. Changes where chiefly instigated by the designation of failing, a demand to accommodate and last, alterations in the economic system and jurisprudence. But the motive to do these developments was a consequence of opportunism and economic rational. For illustration Pacioli ‘s part to accounting came from a thrust for acknowledgment. Another illustration is the alterations cloistered houses whish were a consequence of mainly economic rational. Developments in accounting increasingly reflect the altering demands of users, economic, technological, cultural, societal and political environments
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